Monday, May 18, 2009


I have been in a different season and God has really been showing me Him
And he has been showing me..ME!

As a Father does he has been pulling me in his lap and telling me who I am..
Where I come from…my legacy as it pertains to Him…
He has been reminding me of dreams he has giving me in the past that I have let go of…
And telling me the truth to the lies I have believed…so this is my prayer today…

I don’t want to be in agreement with anything You didn’t speak over me
I come out of agreement with every lie…
Lies about who I am, who I am not…
Lies about my future and my destiny
I come from under every yoke you didn’t give
The word of the Lord destroys the yoke of the enemy…
I have taken the yoke that Christ gives…
I believe what You say about me…
You are a good Father…you are
I am a good son…
I believe you have better for me…

I think sometimes we carry stuff God didn’t give us.
We live our lives under yokes that don’t come from him..
Worrying about things we are suppose to trust Him in.
So afraid to live the life we want to live we settle for the life we have, because we have believed the lie about ourselves and about our potential

The beginning of last year before this weird season in my life a friend of mine told me something God told her in her rough season…He simply said…”Its better Baby!”
What He has planned is better than what we have settled for.
How often and in how many things do we settle when he has better for us…
It maybe on our job or in a relationship…
It maybe in who you are as a person…
It maybe the home you are living in, the dream that you gave up on…Believe again!

I woke up with this thought this morning…It’s a new day…
Today I believe for the better! I step from under the yokes he didn’t give
And break the agreements with the lies…I am going for the Better Baby!

Dreaming again! If God told me I believe it…
If he called me he will equip me…
It may not even look different in the natural but…something on the inside has shifted!
It’s better baby!

1 comment:

  1. This is so true. I have even felt guilty at times for selling myself short. I had to and still am realizing that I'm doing more than selling myself short, but I'm telling God that I don't trust him enough to really be God and do great things in my life. The devil is a liar!
